Eva Cappelli & the Watershops Band will join April 2 Song & Story Swap Please come share in an evening of music and stories at the Pioneer Valley Folklore Society Song & Story Swap. Saturday, April 2 , 7:00 p.m. at the The Nacul Center, 592 Main St., Amherst, Mass (see map). Guest performers will be Eva Cappelli & the Watershops Band .
Cappelli's songwriting style is personal, revealing a life overcoming obstacles. In essence, her work comprises a series of musical "stories" celebrating a woman's survival in a hard world. The group has produced 2 CDs, including 2009's Valentine, named by LiveWire as one of the best local albums of the year. They are working on a new recording, Bits and Bobs, scheduled for release this spring. Learn more about Eva Cappelli and the Watershops Band at The theme this month is Fool. The Song & Story Swap is open to the public, free of charge with donations accepted. People of all ages gather to share stories and songs that are traditional, newly written, or of personal experiences. You can tell, sing, or lead everyone in singing, or request a song or story. Listeners are welcome. For information contact Paul Kaplan at (413)-687-5002 or visit uNi Coffeehouse Concert Series Schedule - Spring 2011 Revised Ed Brown announces that the April 9 uNi Coffehouse program in Springfield has changed. All concerts will be held at the May 14 Finest Kind: Ian Robb, Shelley Posen, Ann Downey - This remarkable folk trio from Ottawa, Canada features soaring harmony singing and brilliant vocal arrangements bringing a fresh sense of excitement and discovery to the performance of old songs ... plus their easy-going audience-pleasing humor to boot.
Pioneer Valley Folklore Society, Amherst, Mass. |