Sarah Pirtle will join October 1 Song & Story Swap Please come share in an evening of music and stories at the Pioneer Valley Folklore Society Song & Story Swap. Saturday, October 1, 7:00 p.m. at the The Nacul Center, 592 Main St., Amherst, Mass (see map). Featured guest will be performer, songwriter, author and educator, Sarah Pirtle.
One of the hallmarks of Sarah's work—her books, recordings, concerts—is that she speaks to all generations. When Studs Terkel interviewed Sarah Pirtle for an hour on his radio program, he focused on her award-winning young adult novel, An Outbreak of Peace. He said that he found the book as meaningful for adult readers as for teenagers. An Outbreak of Peace received the Olive Branch Award for the outstanding book of the year on world peace. The citation read, "Sarah Pirtle's sensitivity to young people and their feelings simply shines through." Sarah Pirtle was the founding editor of Pass It On! — the journal of the Children's Music Network — and continues to provide articles and guest editorials. At the October 1 event Sarah will celebrate the release of Better Together, a new double CD of 40 songs, and publication of her book, Better Together: Caring and Including instead of Bullying. Learn more about Sarah Pirtle and her work at The theme this month is Friendship. The Song & Story Swap is open to the public, free of charge with donations accepted. People of all ages gather to share stories and songs that are traditional, newly written, or of personal experiences. You can tell, sing, or lead everyone in singing, or request a song or story. Listeners are welcome. For information contact Jeff Lee at (413)-256-0433 or visit Dave Mallett will give workshop in Hardwick David Mallett will be conducting a songwriting workshop at the Eagle Hill School Cultural Center in Hardwick on Friday, October 7. It starts at 4:00 p.m. with the workshop portion, continues with a complimentary dinner at 5:15, and then ends with an optional jam session/song swap at from 6:00-7:00. The workshop is free to those who hold tickets to his concert the next day, Saturday, October 8, at the Cultural Center, but reservations are required. Folks who are interested can visit or call Sean Huntley at 413-477-6746.
Pioneer Valley Folklore Society, Amherst, Mass. |