Banish Misfortune will join April 6 Song & Story Swap Please come share in an evening of music and stories at the Pioneer Valley Folklore Society Song & Story Swap. Saturday, April 6, 7:00 p.m. at the The Nacul Center, 592 Main St., Amherst, Mass (see map). Guest performers for the April 6 Song & Story Swap will be the Irish band, Banish Misfortune.
Their music is traditional and of the type that might be heard in a pub in Ireland. Their repertoire features instrumental hornpipes, reels, jigs, waltzes, polkas and airs, interspersed with ballads as well as an Irish poem. Banish Misfortune enjoys playing as a "session" — an informal gathering of musicians playing traditional Celtic music for the sheer enjoyment of it. For more information about Banish Misfortune, visit their website, The theme this month is Misfortune. The Song & Story Swap is open to the public, free of charge with donations accepted. People of all ages gather to share stories and songs that are traditional, newly written, or of personal experiences. You can tell, sing, or lead everyone in singing, or request a song or story. Listeners are welcome. For information contact Paul Kaplan, (413)-687-5002 or Jeff Lee, (413)-256-0433 or visit Steve Gillette & Cindy Mangsen will present concert on May 4
The event represents our annual fundraiser supporting the monthly PVFS Song & Story Swap series, now in its 17th year. Admission for the concert is $18 ($15 for seniors and children under 13). Advance tickets will be available at Food For Thought Books, 106 N. Pleasant St., Amherst, MA or at the World Eye Bookshop, 156 Main St., Greenfield, MA. Learn more about Steve Gillette and Cindy Mangsen at For information contact Paul Kaplan, (413)-687-5002 or Jeff Lee, (413)-256-0433 or visit
Pioneer Valley Folklore Society, Amherst, Mass. |