Roger Tincknell will join May 5 Song & Story Swap Please come share in an evening of music and stories at the Pioneer Valley Folklore Society Song & Story Swap. Saturday, May 5, 7:00 p.m. at the The Nacul Center, 592 Main St., Amherst, Mass (see map). Guest performer at the May 5 Song & Story Swap will be music maker and song leader, Roger Tincknell.
Roger is a two-time Parents' Choice Award-winning recording artist (Earth Rhythms and Carnavalito) with numerous albums for children and adults. His extensive repertoire includes original, traditional and contemporary songs presented in a variety of musical styles. Ballads, swing, country blues, bluegrass, and cowboy yodeling are interspersed with American and international folksongs. Roger accompanies himself on guitar, banjo, mandolin, Irish bouzouki, Bodhran (Celtic drum), Appalachian dulcimer, harmonica, Puerto Rican and Venezuelan cuatros, South American charango, Zamponia (Pan Flute), Native American Flute, Latin and African percussion. Chicopee School Librarian Mary Gontczaruk offers, "Roger, your ability to teach about the music that makes America what it is as a nation is truly outstanding!" Don't miss the entertaining and talented Roger Tincknell on May 5. Find out more about Roger Tincknell at
The theme this month is Birth.
The Song & Story Swap is held on the first Saturday of each month, excepting July and August, and is jointly sponsored by the Pioneer Valley Folklore Society and the Nacul Center ( Visit the Folklore Society website at The Song & Story Swap is open to the public, free of charge with donations accepted ($5 - $10 is suggested). People of all ages gather to share stories and songs that are traditional, newly written, or of personal experiences. You can tell, sing, or lead everyone in singing, or request a song or story. Listeners are welcome. For information contact Paul Kaplan, (413)-687-5002 or visit Roger Conant passes RUSH baton Over the past 15 years, Roger Conant has built the RUSH (Rise Up Singing in Harmony) gatherings into a Valley folk institution. People meet at the Pelham Community Center/Library to sing songs selected out of Rise Up Singing, Rise Again, or other suggested sources. Roger is stepping down as organizer and publicist, and handing the reins to friends Dan and Nancy. For more info or to get on the mailing list visit Upcoming local shows 5/4 - Two of a Kind. First Fridays @Coho. Pioneer Valley Cohousing, 120 Pulpit Hill Rd., Amherst, MA. 7:30pm. 5/19 - Carrie Ferguson. Wendell Full Moon Coffeehouse. Wendell Town Hall, Wendell, MA. 7:30pm. 5/19 - Tim Grimm with Jackson & Connor Grim. Mount Toby Concerts. Mount Toby Friends Meeting House, 194 Long Plain Rd., Leverett, MA. 7:30pm.
Pioneer Valley Folklore Society, Amherst, Mass. |