Please come share in an evening of music and stories at the Pioneer Valley Folklore Society Song & Story Swap.
Saturday, February 1, 7:00-9:00 p.m. at
First Church, 165 Main St., Amherst, MA.
Free parking is available in back of the church, and the meeting room is near the front.
Guest performer for the February 1 Song & Story Swap will be folksinger Chris Koldewey.
Chris Koldewey sings songs that have entered into the oral tradition of American and British folk music.
His concerts may include work-songs from the days of sail, songs of love and parting, ballads and story
songs of the supernatural, or the songs our forbearers might have sung “just for the fun of it.”
Chris uses skills learned as a public school music teacher, and interpreter at Mystic Seaport Museum, to engage with audiences, and invite them to participate during concerts in the hopes of making the music more their own.
He has released an album of traditional folk music titled "Called Away."
Come hear this master chanteyman and balladeer at the Song & Story Swap in Amherst on February 1.
This month’s theme is
The Sea
The February 1 Song & Story Swap will be held at First Church, 165 Main St. in Amherst, Mass., at 7pm. Parking is available in the lot behind the church.
Looking ahead to next month, the March 1, 2025 Song & Story Swap will feature the folk trio The Hilltown Ham Hocks.
The Song & Story Swap is held on the first Saturday of each month, excepting July and August, and is organized by the Pioneer Valley Folklore Society. Visit the Folklore Society website at
The Song & Story Swap is open to the public, free of charge with donations accepted ($5 - $10 is suggested).
People of all ages gather to share stories and songs that are traditional, newly written, or of personal experiences. You can tell, sing, or lead everyone in singing, or request a song or story. Listeners are welcome.
For information contact Paul Kaplan, (413)-687-5002 or visit
Pioneer Valley Folklore Society, Amherst, Mass.
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Director/Host: Paul Kaplan
Webmaster: Jeff Lee
January 29, 2024